Peripheral Products


Storage Selection:

Name: 7941/45 Disc Drive
Product Number: 7941A 7945A
Introduced: 1984
Division: Disc Memory
Original Price: $5500
Catalog Reference: 1985, page 91


The 7941A ($5,500) was a 24 MB, HP-IB hard disc which employed the CS/80 command structure. The 7945A ($7,500) had a 55 MB storage capacity. These drives had an average seek time of 30ms.

The hard discs in these products were made by Vertex Peripherals of Milpitas, California. The power supplies were made by Boschert Inc.

Collector's Notes:

The 794X disc drives are fairly unreliable. The controllers seem robust, but the power supply and discs are prone to failure. As of 2013, fewer than 40% of the units we see are fully operational. The power supply can often be fixed by replacing the three small metalized paper capacitors near the AC input plug. Two have the value 4700pF and one has the value 2200pF. All three of the capacitors are Y class. The larger versions of these capacitors tend to fail dramatically by smoking and burning up. The smaller capacitors tend to fail more quietly, with very small cracks being the only visual symptom.

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