Business Desktops/Calcs
Omnibooks Selection: |
Name: Omnibook 425 | |
Product Number: F1033A | |
Introduced: 1994 | |
Division: Corvallis | |
Original Price: Unknown | |
Catalog Reference: Does not appear |
The Omnibook 425 was HP's first 486 notebook. It had the same screen and I/O ports as the Omnibook 300. The Omnibook 425 had an additional (third) PCMCIA slot. The Omnibook 425 came in three mass storage configurations: no mass storage (F1033A), 10 MB Flash memory card (F1034A), and 42 MB hard disc (F1036A). It came with 2 MB RAM standard, upgradable to 8 MB.
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