Computer Systems
1000, L/A Series Selection: | |
1) 1000 L-Series (1980) | |
2) 1000 A600/600+ (1982) | |
3) 1000 A700 (1982) | |
4) 1000 A900 (1982) | |
5) 1000 A400 (1986) | |
6) 1000 A990 (1990) | |
HP introduced its low cost 1000 Series processor in 1979, the L-Series. Like the 21-MX computers, the L-Series was driven by the RTE operating system (RTE-L). The L-Series represented a significant departure in hardware design for HP 1000 computers. The L-Series was based on HP's new LSI CMOS/SOS (Silicon on Sapphire) processors. This processor had no Dynamic Mapping System (DMS). The CPU included an SOS processor as did each interface board. The processor residing on the interface boards gave those boards full access to computer memory, relieving the main CPU of IO control operations. This design provided the L-Series with much faster performance and throughput than the 21-MX computers. The interface boards for the L-Series were not backward compatible with the 21-MX or early 2000 computers. The museum has a collection of software available for download for these computers. Click here for the software listing. |
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