Business Desktops/Calcs
Omnibooks Selection: |
Name: OmniGo 100 | |
Product Number: F1310A | |
Introduced: 1995 | |
Division: Asia Pacific Personal Computer | |
Original Price: Unknown | |
Catalog Reference: Does not appear | |
Donated by: Martin Hunt, Victoria. |
The OmniGo 100 was a very unusual machine for HP and not nearly as successful as the LX series that preceded it. The OmniGo 100 was based on the GEOS operating system of the Geoworks company. It was the first graphically oriented PDA from HP. The OmniGo 100 included a lot of built-in software including: Appointment Book, Notepad, Phonebook, Database, Book Reader, Financial Tools and Spreadsheet. It came standard with 1MB RAM, a serial interface and a PCMCIA (Type II) slot.
Collector's Notes:
As of 2014, Omnigo 100s were still very reliable. All three units we had at the museum were fully functional. These palmtops operate happily on regular AA batteries.
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