Computer Systems
Terminals Selection: |
Name: 307X Data Capture Terminals | |
Product Number: 3070B | |
Introduced: 1976 | |
Division: Grenoble | |
Ad: Click to see, Click to see, Click to see | |
Original Price: $1470 | |
Catalog Reference: 1978, page 592 | |
Donated by: Donated By: Agilent Australia and Barry Silverton, Computer Applications, Australia. |
The 3070A was the first product developed by HP's Grenoble Division. The data capture terminals were designed for use in manufacturing environments by operators with little or no computer experience. These terminals had abbreviated keyboards and "prompting lights".
The 3070B was introduced in 1978 ($3200). It had a single-line display with a card reader and a small built-in thermal printer. The 3070B was replaced by the 3075A ($2090 to $3845 depending on configuration), 3076A ($2475 to $4230) and 3077A ($2530 to $3485) in 1979.
HP's biggest customer for the 3075A was Makro, an international chain of wholesale stores. By April of 1983, Makro had purchased over 1000 of the units.
The 3076A was a wall-mounted version of the 3075A. For more details on these terminals, see page 639 of the 1980 HP catalog.
By the end of 1984, over 7,500 of the 307X terminals had been sold. These terminals were obsoleted on November 1, 1985.
Collector's Notes:
In 2014, the museum had two 3075A terminals and a single 3077A. All three units work. One of the 3075A terminal had a smoke out on power up. The PCB that houses the IEC input plug has four metalized paper capacitors. These should be replaced.
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