Computer Systems
Terminals Selection: |
Name: 3092A Industrial Terminal | |
Product Number: 3092A | |
Introduced: 1983 | |
Division: Grenoble | |
Original Price: $4305 | |
Catalog Reference: Does not appear. | |
Donated by: Thomas Bailey, West Virginia, USA (Photos) |
The 3092A and 3093A ($6,040) were the "strongest industrial terminals ever" according to HP's Grenoble Division. The 3092A was software compatible with the 2622A text terminal, and the 3093A was software compatible with the 2623A graphics terminal. Both terminals were dirt, dust and splash proof. They could be cleaned by hosing down. The keyboard was a flat membrane with audible feedback
The 3092A and 3093A were obsoleted in October of 1984.
These terminals are extremely rare. Please contact us if you have any information on them.
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