Peripheral Products
Pen Plotters Selection: |
Name: 7221 Flatbed Plotter | |
Product Number: 7221 | |
Introduced: 1977 | |
Division: San Diego | |
Ad: Click to see, Click to see, Click to see | |
Original Price: $4600 | |
Catalog Reference: 1978, P. 238 | |
Donated by: Bruce Graham, Victoria. |
The 7221A was the RS-232 version of the 9872A. However, the 7221A did not speak HP-GL. Its compacted binary language was designed for connection with terminals to computers that did not output HP-GL instructions. The 7221B ($5000) was introduced in 1979 along with the 7221S ($6750). The 7221S included automatic paper advance for unattended and long-axis plotting. The 7221C ($5800) came with eight pens and was introduced with the 7221T ($7900) which also came with rollfeed capability.
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